Saturday, July 18, 2009

July 17, 2009

Today was a better day for little Gabe. His oxygen levels were higher and his CO2 levels were lower, all good things. The collapsed left lung was looking better and the collapsed upper portion of the right lung was improving as well. His antibiotics have been discontinued since his blood work shows no infection. Yeah! He will continue on the steroid until next week and then they will wean him off it slowly. Today Gabe also got his first haircut, not by choice. He has had so many IV, PICC lines and arterial lines that they are just running out of good spots. Today the IV in his foot was no longer good, so they needed to start a new one. The only good sites left were on his head, so off came some hair. The nurses were kind enough to let me use the electric razor to remove the hair on the left side of his head. They then took the hair and placed it in a bag and said we could keep his first hair cut. Unfortunately the spot I shaved didn’t have a useable vein, so then they shaved the front of his head. Poor little guy. Now his head looks like one of those dogs that had a bad day at the vet. Shannon filmed while I shaved and we will have it up in blog soon. Today was our fifth anniversary so we went out to dinner for a change and of course we couldn’t wait to get back and check on our little man. Tonight Gabe is in the hands of wonderful nurse “H” and pray he will give her a nice night. See you tomorrow.

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