Sunday, September 27, 2009

September 27, 2009

We are finally spending a long overdue weekend at home. Shannon and I have been bouncing back and forth between the hospital and home and only seeing each other in passing and it starts to take its toll. We decided that since Gabe has been doing so well we would have a little "stay-cation" at home with Kayla. Trying to do what normal families do on the weekend and we are very glad we did.

Gabe has been doing very well. In fact, he has been improving each and everyday with only little adjustments to his fluid input and output. They have also been bringing down his ventilator pressures and also bringing down his pain medication drips, all good things. His chest tubes have been putting out less and less each day, getting closer and closer to finally having a dry chest. We even got a special visit from Dr. B, saying Gabe's lungs are the best he has ever seen. If we keep up on this pace of a dry chest and decreased ventilator pressures, we are getting closer to taking his breathing tube out.

Gabe has been enjoying spending time on his stomach and sitting upright in his boppy pillow. We have been working with Gabe's arms each day trying to loosen them up and allow them to rest at his side. What used to take two hours to do is now only taking about twenty minutes. Its absolutely amazing. I actually massaged them down by his side and he fell asleep and kept them down for three hours. His hands are even starting to straighten out, using massage and his new hand splints. He has been having longer periods of awake time and is not fussing, rather he is taking in his surroundings and loves watching his mobile. Even the spa music seems to be helping that he listens to on his custom iPod. The nurses have been seeing a decreased heart rate when they put on his music when he's agitated. That means they don't have to use sedation and that's what we want to hear.

Gabe doesn't know it yet but he has his very own 49ers autographed fire helmet waiting for him at home. The 49ers came over and visited the kids at Ronald McDonald House this past week. They played games with the kids, signed autographs and even BBQ'ed everyone dinner. It was awesome to watch them come and make these kids day. They were surprised at the fire helmet I presented them to sign, saying that this was indeed a first for them.

We are very excited with Gabe's progress and we continue to be amazed at what this little guy can do. He just never gives up and always pushes forward with absolutely incredible strength and determination, something we can all learn from. Thank you for your continued prayers and thoughts. Talk to you again soon.

1 comment:

Robin O said...

This is an awesome post! Keep it up Super G!